As the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation evolves, we know that many in our communities are feeling concerned and overwhelmed. At Ember, the health of our patients, partners, and staff has always been, and continues to be, our number one priority. We’ll be updating this page with the latest information on our approach to care during this time.


We Remain Operational

Ember Health remains open, committed to providing care to those in need in the safest and most responsible way possible, in accordance with CDC and WHO guidelines.

We recognize that our treatments provide the resilience our clients need in their day-to-day lives, which are all the more critical with the external stressors at the scale and intensity we are seeing with COVID-19. We are committed to being here when you need us.

COVID-19 and Mental Health

It has been well established that COVID has and continues to have an enormous impact on people’s Mental Health. Social isolation, school closures, lack of structure, financial difficulties, and unemployment are among the many stressors related to the virus that have significantly impacted our community’s mental well-being.

Patients we’ve seen during this crisis have told us that our treatments provide them with the ability to stay hopeful and focused. As the city opens back up, patients have reinforced how care with us has help them reset and re-engage with critical elements of their everyday lives.

Our Safety Protocols

Ember Health’s essential services cannot be done remotely. As such, we are taking all possible precautions to keep ourselves, our clients, and our community healthy and safe. We continue to follow the recommendations of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) as well as our state and city governments to protect our community and to help limit the spread of the virus. We encourage everyone to keep up with current news surrounding the virus by checking the CDC website.

Among the measures we are taking:

  • All of our staff has been fully vaccinated.

  • As a medical facility, all patients are required to wear masks in the building and office common areas.

  • Our clinicians notify each visitor when it is appropriate and medically advised to remove masks during a visit.

  • We continue to employ strict sterilization procedures between visits. We are happy to share the details of our policies with patients upon request.

  • All clients and Ember Health staff members are expected to follow CDC travel precautions (found here), and we will provide extensive details to anyone who needs clarity on these policies.

  • We will only see clients who are asymptomatic, and are waiving our normal visit change and cancelation fees for any COVID related concerns. Please contact us directly with any questions.

We will continue to take steps to share information and best practices. As always, we remain committed to your safety, and look forward to continuing to serve you in this time of need.